Monday, November 24, 2008

A Wonderful Thing!

For Family Home Evening, we decided to purchase a pre-made gingrebread house that came with all the trimmings and use it for our centerpiece this week and the upcoming weeks. (as long as it lasts-which may not be long with these sneaky fingers) The girls loved decorating it, and the variety of things they did amazed me! Chloe's favorite thing was the gumdrops, although she found that they didn't taste as good as they looked. Eva's favorite thing was putting on the icing.. But I think they both loooved those little balls. That was the first thing to use and the first thing gone. Eva even hid under the table to sneak a few (it's nonstop with these hooligans! This morning it was a half a bag of peanut butter m&m's) Ya.... They have a sweet tooth on 'em alright!

I loved how we had to all work together on this masterpiece. I'm trying to do a lot of teamwork things for us right now. Obviously B wasn't really into the whole thing. He enjoyed watching me try to not be anal retentive about the house not looking like the four different types of houses on the box (which even came with step by step rare is that?) , and the girls become slowly covered with crusty white icing. Eva will still deny that she snuck anything...

TA DA! Here is the masterpiece at the finale. I don't think it will last long. Chloe keeps asking if we can eat it when it's dry. It's hard to tell little kids to not eat these colorful fun looking candies. Notice we made it like our Rossford House as much as we could... The Green painted triangle shaped top section, B drew a crack in the wall on the opposite side, and I even drew our broken gutters. Oh! We don't miss that house at all! It was a good house to start off in, but it's definitely a 'starter home' for us. Our hope is to someday- ok, MY hope is to someday have a house near fam and seasons, and a house away from snow and extreme cold.

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