Looking over all these gadgets to add to the blog, I was thinking about the purpose of every one I saw. Some, just reflection other laughing, etc. You probably are all familiar with the 'gadgets' if you blog. I found some nice ones, and being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I've felt pulls at my heart for each of these I've selected at the side. Families, past and present, future children, being personally and financially prepared.... provident living.org is an awesome sight where you can learn to be savvy in 6 basic areas of life. It's really something! B and I are working on bringing down debt right now. We'll see how this goes.
I am so impressed to say, that families are sooo crucial. Having Little G in the hospital last week, I carried him in to the ER and handed him over to strangers who knew nothing more about him than what they saw. I thought to myself, "Be careful. Be wise. He is my everything!" How often does our Heavenly Father feel the same way when he hands us an infant 20 inches long, 8lb or so and all we know about the infant is what we see right there? I'm sure he says each time to us, "Oh (Jessica), be careful, be wise... this child is priceless to me." And if something goes wrong, how often must he be thinking, "Oh (Little G) I'm so sorry. I wish there was another way."
Our lesson in RS on Sunday was about Sealing, and the Sealing Power restored to the earth in Kirtland OH.... It was very touching and I wish I could've just sat and listened for ever! We preserve things we care about... waxing cars, protecting pictures, sealing and preserving food, painting houses and materials with material to make it last. It made me self-analyze. Do I show my family that they are THE most important things to me? Sealing is a noun and a verb I think. If I just cruise on through life and think 'ah, ya... we're sealed,' it assures nothing. I have to endure, love, serve and sacrifice to be sealed and deserve that blessing. They are worth the stretch marks, the bags under the eyes, the ever expanding waistline (caused not only by child bearing but by stress munching) followed by the frumpy 'I forgot to do my hair today' hair, the pinches in the budget because I don't get a paycheck for being at home... all those things make me a MOM. Brian's love is worth the meal fixing, house cleaning, redundantly repeating redundantly, resetting the toilet seat, dealing with 'his' kids when they act up...all that makes me his WIFE. I hope I show my love for them each day. I hope they don't have to ever think twice about my desire to be a mom and wife. I love them. I'll love them more than just 'till death do us part. I'll love them forever.