Saturday, July 11, 2009

9 months... My little Brute.

9 months and he's almost walking, crawling is completely mastered by now as well as pulling up on everything. Shaking. Everything. He's my little "Brute" and I love him. He's destructive, picky with food, and clingy - to me right now- and always watching. He laughs with his sisters and teases them with his binki. He crawls to them when they cry and gives them fives, kisses and hugs for the better. He loves to get into dirt, water, and anything he can watch smush under his little palm. He gives daddy the biggest grin of the day where his eyes almost close behind those big long lashes when he sees him come home, and eats all his food when daddy's doing the sound effects of boy-land. He looks at mom as if to say 'nice try' when she attempts similar sounds. He is shy when strangers say "hi'", ducking his head into his shoulder, or the neck groove above my shoulder whichever he can reach first. He loves to swing at the playground, hates the grass and dirt on his feet, and never sits still. He is my little tornado. My little destructor. My little boy!
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1 comment:

Kirk said...

Truly amazing how something so tender and sweet can be such a 'bruiser', don't you think? I've enjoyed your updates to the blog immensely.

Love, Mom