Monday, August 4, 2008


This weekend we tightened Chloe's training wheels and went for the typical family 'walk', with B and I walking while the girls rode bikes. AND I'm proud to say - Eva can really ride her tricycle now!! She was able to do short stints, and now is has gotten quite the distance put in before she realizes she's really biking, and stops. Chloe's been doing awesome on her bike - and now it looks like the last inches she's grown has given the control for getting on and off confidently. It was really fun and relaxing to see the girls so happy - and in a safe environment. Out in Valle Vista, Chloe's bike just stuck in the sand while Eva had all of 18 feet to try to learn to ride her bike. I would be trying to help while keeping an eye out for weird creatures of all kinds. We would see people in town with their kids on bikes and walking around and always thought that we'd love to do that-given the opportunity. The girls are also learning to use the Barbie roller skates that was a birthday gift back in March. They have such a good time doing those fun kid things out here, and I'm so glad we're able to open our door and let them 'go'!

1 comment:

Ann said...

we're having lots of fun with bikes, too! They do love that. :)