WOOHOO! Im so excited, and yet so incredibly terrified that this is the peak of the roller coaster in which I'm about to drop from at 90 mph.
Chloe started really sounding things out and reading today. Thank you, Word World. B had today off, and I decided to make an effort for our family lunch today. I'm so glad I did. We're all sitting at the table and had Word World turned on, watching it together. This word came on, and Chloe just started sounding it out - c, c, art, c art, cart! I about choked on my food! Then, as if it was not to be just a fluke today- she started sounding out st-age, stage, st- airs, stairs! I just couldn't believe it! I do not know how it happened, but I'm not questioning a reading 4 yr old! We celebrated by running out to the nearest 'book' store out here, and getting her some beginners books. She's already had some, but she's worn the pages down on those! With her great memory and her ambition to read, we might be looking at serious reading here!!
The other day, she wrote her alphabet in the right order, with just a couple backwards! She had no help at all - she has started writing out MAM (mom) and the rest of the families names all phonetically. It's awesome and brings tears to my eyes every time! I am so excited to watch her hit these milestones, but I'm hitting real anxiety thinking she can just 'do' all this without me. Brian has always been supportive of me being at home with the kids, even when it wasn't an affordable option for us. That's been a huuge blessing out here - being able to be home with the girls. I'm trying to keep my anal retentiveness from eeking into little C's way of doing things. Really trying to remember she a 4 yr old, and to be NOT a perfectionist for HER work.
This picture was taken right after she started reading all these words. She picked out a princess book and a Wonder Pets! book. We even left the light on so she could look at the pages, as it was getting dark outside. Then, she decided she was tired and was ready to practically put herself to bed. Just amazing!!! *sigh* What a day!
good job! :)
Great job, Chloe! (and Mommy!) Kids really are amazing - how much they learn and figure out when they're ready and willing! :-)
Oh my gosh! Tell our Chloe congrats and we are all proud of her.
Wonderful, Chloe! Grandma and Grandpa and Mark are *all so* proud of you! :)
See, Jessica, you *are* in the right place at the right time! :)
Love (and a little sniffle),
Mom / Grandma
Congrats Chloe! And Jessica she didn't do that by her self something tells me your mothering skills had something to do with it. I am glad I have such a loving and patient daughter-in-law!
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